We will cure you doesn’t matter wherever the pain is.
Our clinic increase the efficiency of the treatment by using sophisticated and modern equipment. No matter what kind of pain you got, we are here to fight.
Electromagnetic Stimulators machine or Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation (PMS) are used to treat muscle pain, tendonitis, joint pain, and nerve numbness as well as increase the strength of the muscles. The electromagnetic wave will stimulate the nerves and tissues around the pain area to improve the blood flow around that muscles.
Shock Wave Machine treats patient with energy from shock waves. It generates high pulsating voltage to relax and improve flexibility of the muscle. This device is considered a very good helper in the treatment of chronic pain, especially the muscles tendon and bone ligaments.
The ultrasound combined machine release a high-frequency supersonic wave with electric current. It sends waves and electric current into the tissues which can reducing pain, reducing inflammation, accelerating the healing process, as well as improving muscle relaxation and tissues around the joints as well.
Neck/back traction machine use for stretching the muscles and separating the vertebral joints. It expands the nerve root pathway. We can use it at the neck or waist level.
If you want to know how good each machine is. You can come and try it at Recovery Me Clinic.
Special privileges for new customers. A promotion for first time patient is only 990 baht (normal price 2,500 baht)